How to get cheap auto insurance

Auto insurance is a critical expense for car owners, but finding affordable coverage without sacrificing quality can be challenging. However, with the right strategies and understanding of insurance factors, it’s possible to get cheap auto insurance that meets your needs.

This comprehensive guide provides tips, strategies, and insights to help you save money on your auto insurance premiums while maintaining adequate coverage.

Compare Multiple Quotes

One of the most effective ways to find cheap auto insurance is to shop around and compare quotes from multiple insurance companies. Each insurer uses different rating factors, underwriting criteria, and pricing models, so getting quotes from several providers allows you to identify the most competitive rates.

When comparing quotes, consider factors such as coverage limits, deductibles, discounts, customer service reputation, and overall value. Online comparison tools and insurance brokerages can help streamline the quote comparison process and provide a comprehensive view of available options.

Opt for Higher Deductibles

Choosing a higher deductible can lower your auto insurance premiums significantly. A deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in after a covered claim. By opting for a higher deductible, such as $1,000 instead of $500, you assume more risk but pay lower premiums each month or annually.

Before increasing your deductible, ensure that you have sufficient savings to cover the higher out-of-pocket expense in the event of a claim. It’s a trade-off between upfront savings and potential costs in the future.

Take Advantage of Discounts

Insurance companies offer various discounts that can help reduce your auto insurance costs. Common discounts include:

Multi-Policy Discount: Bundling your auto insurance with another policy, such as homeowners or renters insurance, can qualify you for a multi-policy discount.

Safe Driver Discount: Maintaining a clean driving record with no accidents or traffic violations can lead to lower premiums through a safe driver discount.

Good Student Discount: Students with good grades, typically a B average or higher, may be eligible for a good student discount.

Low Mileage Discount: If you drive fewer miles than the average driver, you may qualify for a low mileage discount.

Safety Features Discount: Vehicles equipped with safety features such as anti-lock brakes, airbags, anti-theft devices, and electronic stability control may qualify for discounts.

Ask your insurance provider about available discounts and ensure that you provide accurate information to maximize your savings.

Consider Usage-Based Insurance

Usage-based insurance (UBI) programs, also known as telematics programs, track your driving behavior using devices or smartphone apps. Insurers use data on factors like mileage, speed, braking habits, and time of day to assess risk and adjust premiums accordingly.

UBI programs can be beneficial for safe drivers who follow good driving habits, as they may qualify for significant discounts based on their driving data. Before enrolling in a UBI program, review the terms, privacy policies, and potential impact on your premiums.

Maintain a Good Credit Score

Your credit history can influence your auto insurance premiums. Insurers use credit-based insurance scores to assess risk and determine premiums, with individuals demonstrating responsible credit behavior often receiving lower rates.

To maintain a good credit score and potentially lower your insurance costs:

Pay bills on time.

Keep credit card balances low.

Monitor your credit report for accuracy.

Avoid opening multiple new credit accounts simultaneously.

Improving your credit score over time can lead to cheaper auto insurance rates.

Drive a Safe and Affordable Vehicle

The type of vehicle you drive can impact your insurance premiums. Generally, safer and less expensive cars cost less to insure compared to high-performance vehicles or luxury cars. Factors that insurers consider when assessing vehicle risk include:

Safety ratings: Vehicles with high safety ratings and advanced safety features tend to have lower insurance costs.

Repair costs: The cost of repairs, parts, and labor for your vehicle can influence insurance premiums.

Theft rates: Vehicles that are less likely to be stolen may qualify for lower insurance rates.

Age and mileage: Older vehicles with higher mileage often have lower insurance costs compared to newer models.

When purchasing a vehicle, consider its insurance implications and choose a car that balances safety, affordability, and insurance costs.

Review and Adjust Coverage Needs

Regularly review your auto insurance coverage to ensure it aligns with your current needs and circumstances. Adjusting coverage limits, eliminating unnecessary coverage options, or modifying deductibles can help lower premiums without compromising essential protection.

Consider the following when reviewing your coverage:

Liability limits: Ensure your liability limits meet state requirements and provide adequate protection in case of an at-fault accident.

Comprehensive and collision coverage: Evaluate whether comprehensive and collision coverage is necessary based on your vehicle’s value, age, and financing status.

Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage: Consider adding this coverage to protect against drivers with insufficient insurance coverage.

Medical payments coverage: Assess whether you need additional medical payments coverage to cover medical expenses for you and your passengers after an accident.

By customizing your coverage to your specific needs and adjusting it as circumstances change, you can optimize protection while minimizing costs.

Maintain Continuous Coverage

Maintaining continuous auto insurance coverage demonstrates responsibility to insurers and can lead to lower premiums over time. Insurance companies often offer loyalty discounts or discounts for policyholders with a history of continuous coverage without lapses or cancellations.

Avoid letting your auto insurance policy lapse, as reinstating coverage or purchasing a new policy after a lapse can result in higher premiums. If you experience financial difficulties, explore options such as payment plans or adjusting coverage levels instead of canceling your policy entirely.

Take Defensive Driving Courses

Completing a defensive driving course approved by your state can result in insurance discounts. These courses teach safe driving techniques, hazard awareness, collision avoidance, and traffic laws, making you a lower-risk driver in the eyes of insurers.

Check with your insurance provider to determine which defensive driving courses qualify for discounts and how much you can save on your premiums by completing the course.

Consider Usage Alternatives

If you have access to alternative transportation options or use your vehicle sparingly, consider usage alternatives that can reduce your insurance costs:

Carpooling or ridesharing: Sharing rides with others or using rideshare services can lower your annual mileage and insurance premiums.

Public transportation: Using public transit for commuting or running errands can reduce your vehicle usage and associated insurance expenses.

On-demand car rentals: Instead of owning a car, consider using on-demand car rental services when you need a vehicle, potentially saving on insurance, maintenance, and ownership costs.

Evaluate your transportation needs and explore cost-effective alternatives that align with your lifestyle and budget.


Getting cheap auto insurance requires a combination of proactive strategies, informed decisions, and ongoing review of your insurance needs. By comparing quotes, leveraging discounts, optimizing coverage, maintaining good driving habits, and exploring usage alternatives, you can reduce your auto insurance premiums while maintaining adequate protection and peace of mind on the road. Regularly review your insurance policy, monitor changes in your circumstances, and stay informed about insurance trends and opportunities for additional savings to ensure that you’re getting the best value from your auto insurance coverage.

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